The best FRCR online preparation tool

Reading case books is good and all but the moment you find out you have to scroll on all the cases (longs, viva), it changes everything. Instead of static images with findings, you have to actually look for the findings through the stack. This is of paramount importance to practice before the exam and quickly get the findings. FRCRLongs was the best tool in this regard. Their PACS is good and responsive, and cases are very good ranging from straightforward to challenging. Model answers were very good, specially the ‘interpretation’ part (integrated with findings), differential diagnosis (and explaining why they would be less likely) and the management part. The day before the exam, frcrlongs was the only thing I did. Helped immensely with the vivas as well. Thank you frcrlongs for helping me pass on my first attempt. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

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About the Author : Khalid Khan